Tr'ochek lies on the upstream flat, an alluvial deposition of the Klondike River, at the river confluence.
Today, it is roughly bounded by the 6th Street Viaduct near the river confluence and Miller Park stadium to the west.
The land is relatively level, reflecting the nearby river confluence.
The camp lies at a river confluence, between Sanischare Road and Limbuwan Road 37.
These situations include hydraulic jumps, hydraulics of bridges, and evaluating profiles at river confluences.
It's a mangling of "Condomatomagus", or "market town by a river confluence".
It connected to Riverside Avenue near the river confluence.
Waters part, but eventually rejoin at a river confluence (for example: the Mississippi and Missouri divides)
Over time this sediment would eventually move downstream to other river confluences and San Francisco Bay, disrupting navigation in those channels.
Chavakkad Beach is famous for the spectacle called 'Azhimokam' in Malayalam which means a place where a river confluences with the sea.