The fishes, among a group called "river herring," feed low on the food-chain and help reduce eutrophication.
Even more pronounced is the drop in blueback herring, a type of river herring.
- baby lobster, river herring and flounder.
In the end, what is good for lobster, cordgrass, river herring and flounder is good for the entire Sound.
The shads or river herrings make up the genus Alosa, fish related to herring in the family Clupeidae.
Immediately after its construction, the population of spawning fish, including but not limited to, Atlantic salmon, river herring, striped bass and sturgeon, plummeted.
It blocked the path of migratory fish, such as river herring.
Florida's shad and river herrings (Alosa species): A review of population and fishery characteristics.
The effort is designed to restore American shad, river herring, and other migratory fish to the creek and their historic upriver spawning grounds.
An example of a multispecies stock is river herring.