Several rivers irrigate the village area, this includes the Vabre and Hermitage streams - the latter supplies the village.
Several rivers irrigate the province of Bulacan; the largest one is that of Angat.
Among the rivers irrigating this plain, the longest are Cagayan to the north, and Pampanga to the south.
It is impressive to note that the only (small) river in Ziro valley irrigates the whole wet rice fields of Ziro.
The river also irrigates the carefully tended surrounding farmlands, creating a beautifully lush, subtropical scene.
As the water trickles down into the water table, the rivers receive a constant supply of water and can irrigate agricultural land effectively.
The river filled the fountains outside the palace and the mosques, and irrigated their gardens.
A deep, slow-moving river irrigated the fields and the groves of fruit trees that radiated from the village like the spokes of a wheel.
There's a river that supplies water for the castle, and to irrigate the surrounding farmsteads.
These rivers irrigate the farmlands in Babol, Babolsar and Qaemŝahr.