This river junction is deep in a canyon now filled by the Pathfinder Reservoir.
Some British troops had been left behind to garrison the recently captured town and river junction of Kut.
"But once you are more than a day north of the river junction, it heads in almost the opposite direction from Dolov."
After three days on the road, they were still short of the river junction and the better road toward Elahwa that they would find there.
Initially, small Cossack units would set up an ostrog (fortress) at key river junctions.
Throughout human history, most people have lived around some definable place - a tribal ring, an oasis, a river junction, a port, a town square.
The path ran from north to south; there was a ford at the river junction.
The little circle at the river junction is Launceston.
Soon they would reach the river junction.
It's not just belugas that are attracted to this river junction, it turns out.