Little riverine habitat adjacent to extant populations is protected other than by state shoreline protection regulations or local land use regulations.
Only about twenty individuals, collected around 1900, are known, and subsequent destruction of its riverine habitat may have driven the species to extinction.
Some of the mergansers prefer riverine habitats.
They are mostly found in riverine habitats in rocks and vegetation amid small forest streams.
The sanctuary is a riverine habitat supporting Mugger crocodile and fresh water turtles.
Because of the dams the fish were barred from these different riverine habitats.
In addition, riverine habitats in interior regions supported smaller, but practical, otter populations.
Its distribution is patchy and it is vulnerable to loss of its riverine habitat.
Chetia is a genus of haplochromine cichlids endemic to riverine habitats in Africa.
Dams and impoundment of riverine habitats also restrict movements of fish.