Till the end of 15th century its original nucleus was a riverside village, which occupied the bank of river Saraswati.
Because of the disease whole communities have had to leave fertile riverside villages and resettle in more arid areas.
He could probably pass as belonging to one of the riverside villages, for example that of the head-collectors.
The crocodile's lengthy attack on a riverside village takes place in two separate scenes in Randall's version.
He was a country innocent from a world of dust lanes and riverside villages.
We spent the morning dawdling southward through riverside villages.
On the night of July 27 the tormented artist shot himself in a field behind the riverside village.
It scavenges off large carcasses and offal from riverside villages.
We tie up and stroll into riverside villages to buy bread, cheese, fresh berries for lunch on the deck.
Our first overnight stop was a riverside village called Besham, where we stayed in a simple, clean, dimly lighted motel.