The road flattened once more, and bright western sun was in his eyes.
As the road flattened, he passed a series of buildings that appeared to be an inn, but the sign had been removed from the posts by the road, and even the stable door had been boarded shut.
He came twisting down from the Kraalkop ridge, and when the national road flattened and straightened for the final run into Johannesburg he let the Maserati go.
Soon, the road flattened as he drove through the middle of the valley, passing irrigated fields on each side of the road, driving and thinking about Wystuh and Admiral Jynckia.
After a half mile of ruts and dust, the road flattened into a relatively well-maintained driveway.
The road flattened into an absolutely level stretch more than a hundred yards from the square.
Where the road flattened near the bottom of the hill, it also straightened and ran arrow-like to an ancient stone bridge across the river.
The road flattened outside the town.
The road flattens at the crest, and less than half a kay away is a small kiosk.
The truck slowed, the road flattened and became smoother, and they all sensed that the vehicle was now in an enclosed space.