The road had looped back.
This road looped around the boarded-up Sportsman's Club and came back.
He watched through the windshield as the road looped around behind the peak.
Down ahead die road looped around water, and die rough calls of ducks rose in die air.
The road looped, swinging down by a different route, the surface of it changed to great planks of cedar, slippery after the rain.
The terrain in Bel Air was hilly, the roads looped around a lot, and there was enough vegetation to hide an army of snipers.
The unlit road looped around rocky outcroppings through the forest.
The road looped down into a sheltered valley, thick with cottonwoods and surrounded by red sandstone bluffs.
Another road looped The Shadow across the tracks back toward the carnival lot and it was then that Steve suddenly pointed out the missing truck.
The road looped around it and stopped.