By the middle of the 19th century, most of the toll roads had been dissolved and the roads reverted to public management.
Once the old line and station facilities had been removed, the road reverted to its original course.
The term of private ownership is 48 years after which the road will revert to government ownership on 23 July 2048.
After Rutherfordton, the road reverts to a rural highway, and continues on to Marion.
After 2002, the roads reverted to their prior forms.
At the top of that hill, the road reverts to unsealed but is wider and straighter.
The roads have reverted to their previous 'heavily restricted' status.
The legislation that allowed the bridge's construction stipulated that the road and bridge would revert to the state at no cost after 30 years.
In 1954, the designation was again canceled and the road reverted to county maintenance.
In time, the turnpike business had become unprofitable and the companies were dissolved by 1852, causing the roads to revert to public control.