The road terminates at the A9 outside of Inverness.
The road eventually terminated in the former naval base that now housed the lab complex under Strega's command.
The road terminates at State Road 3 about 300 feet further to the northeast.
Bolan's mind leaped ahead to the implications thus presented; the road very probably terminated in that cluster of buildings.
The road through the village from the B3089 terminates in unmetalled farm track.
The road terminates at Junction 2 of the M32.
The only road ran north through Yorke and terminated at some abandoned mine workings.
The rough road from the coast terminates at a parking area outside the village walls, where you are asked to make a donation before entering.
The road terminates at the junction with the N62 National secondary road.
The road terminates at its junction with the A1.