Were it not for six cans of milk her father found in a roadside shop, she says, she might have died.
We recover in a nearby warung (a roadside shop and cafe).
These roadside shops form the chief attraction of pondy bazzar.
Most of the commodities in the roadside shops have no fixed price and so the customers and vendors can often be seen bargainging.
The roadside shops bring in the new fashions of Chennai accessories.
Like the parottas, it is common in roadside shops called thattu kadai.
Chaiwalas are mainly people who prepare and sell Indian tea on streets or small roadside shops.
Paul, arguing along the way about which roadside shop has the best smoked fish or the cheapest wild rice.
There are staple flavors like chocolate and vanilla available at the roadside shop.
While not appreciated by the music establishment, his cassette tapes would be a hit in roadside gas-station shops.