Gomora got to its feet and stood tall, roaring loudly.
Seaplanes flew over many times, their engines roaring loudly.
He's roaring loudly, almost as if in song, and no one understands why.
Sidrachuil raised his head to the sky and roared loudly.
He roared loudly, angrily, like an injured animal.
The beast roared loudly and Swain looked up to see that he was still holding the lighter in his left hand.
She circled just as the wounded animal staggered for the first time, roaring loudly.
Fighting Devil roared loudly - but it was too late.
Even with one or two men roaring loudly, the overall sound of the song was never more than feeble at its best.
The two rolled over and over on the ground as the other captors roared loudly with laughter.