Thirty minutes later, the first Boxcar roared skyward trailing a plume of flame and quickly vanished into the turbulent overcast.
A giant plume of flame roared skyward.
The whole upper floor was ablaze, and flames roared skyward beneath a pillar of black smoke that streamed out and up through the blasted porch.
Charred trees and a wide, smooth crater are the only evidence of a gas explosion that sent a fireball roaring skyward one year ago this week.
Black smoke and orange flame roared skyward from many places along the wooden palisade.
In desperation, Tom waited to pull out until he was almost scraping the treetops, then banked sharply and roared skyward again.
A column of fire roared skyward and illuminated the crater with its golden-orange glare.
Instantly the great ship roared skyward, up through the inky gloom of the storm clouds, then leveled off high above the overcast.
Behind them, the Spouting Horn roared skyward like a geyser as the plug of frozen water burst.
Then the space tug roared skyward.