Then a large bluebottle buzzed past, pursued by a robber fly.
At this point, the furious struggles of the robber fly distracted his attention, and his concentration broke.
By comparison, the bluebottle and the robber fly seemed whirlpools of noisy, aggressive energy.
Drosophila are prey for many generalist predators such as robber flies.
These can include robber flies, and clown beetles.
Blepharotes is a genus of robber fly in the family Asilidae.
Why, every year, 100 to 200 new species of robber flies are being described.
But more often, female robber flies play hard to get.
They generally prey on insects of various species, including other robber flies, bees, wasps and beetles.
Choerades fimbriata is a fly in the genus of robber flies.