Tell me... those robes some of the dwarfs were wearing.
I saw his face plainly and his robe, the same one he wears now!
On ceremonial occasions more elaborate robes and wigs are worn.
The door opened, and Asher entered, wearing a robe more elaborate, heavier than the one he wore now.
The black robe he wore hung loosely from his shoulders.
Older robes have become family heirlooms passed on from father to son and are worn as status symbols.
Swiftly he buckled it on to me, throwing over all a long, dark robe such as merchants wear.
Underneath she wore another robe, this one of light silk that covered everything but concealed nothing.
She was ten times more beautiful than before, and wore a magnificent pale yellow robe, sparkling with jewels.
Aye; he wore a robe, such as a nobleman might wear about him.