He still stood there with his arms sticking out, like a robot butler without a tray to carry.
The robot butler and futuristic city skyline, which is the last post-show diorama, are similar to a scene in Horizons.
Although since we're in the realms of wild speculation I'd really prefer my robot butler to take care of all of this.
I'd really prefer my robot butler to take care of all of this.
It is my duty, sir," said the robot butler, "to recommend to you this dish of fresh artichokes.
His computers of the future, represented by the robot butler his visitor to Earth encounters in 2081, included speaker-independent speech recognition and natural language processing.
Would I want a robot butler?
The robot butler trundled to within precisely ten centimeters of the coffee table's edge.
The robot butler, sensing a human body in motion, rolled after her.
I wouldn't be able to relax with a robot butler.