Both robots drove at and hit each other.
The robots drove around and hit each other for a bit, but in a surprise result, Panic Attack pushed Cassius into the pit.
The robots drove around each other until Panic Attack lifted Axios and flipped it over.
His robot drove a slashing ball to the corner of the court.
Launched in 2003, the two robots will drive many times the distance originally expected, and Opportunity is still operating as of mid 2012.
The robots drove without human intervention and were equipped with a wireless "kill switch" that would allow a chase vehicle to stop them in an emergency.
They lingered in restaurants, relaxed in the parks, read bookfilms in the backseat while the robots drove the cars.
Then the robot would drive slower as the light gets brighter.
Out in the open countryside, the robot drove even faster.
In the future, these robots may even park and drive cars!