Following its prime objectives, the giant robot fired upon the target, apparently killing the two men in one of its blasts.
A robot leaned over from the catwalk and fired at him but missed.
In this "form", the robot is faster and can fire homing missiles from its mouth.
Perhaps he also hoped that the approaching robots would fire on us with deadly weapons.
As his legs finally crumpled, the robot turned and fired a burst into the T'kaan, killing him instantly.
When the robot fires back, Dwer climbs aboard to damage its weapons pod.
Before the robot could fire again, Blade and Saorm were running up the street.
The robot saw them turning but fired too late.
Much later, the robot turned on its side and fired orbital speed rockets to match velocity with the Platform.
A robot can fire missiles in battle, for instance, but can also speed around the environment on wheeled shoes.