They are cornered once again and the robots scan them, but do not kill them.
In the system's envisaged final version, a second robot at the scanning station would scan specific pages of the book that the user was interested in.
The robot scanned him carefully.
Then, a robot with a camera rolled in, and scanned the house for the suspect.
Among other functions, the medical robots diagnostic scanners can scan individual cells for abnormalities.
You robots have been scanning that ball of dirt for eight hours and you haven?
The robot tilted its massive, helmet-like head back and scanned her face.
The robot scanned, analyzed, and admired the naked physique while standing far enough away to keep his plush robe from being drenched in the spray.
The robot appeared and scanned Bachman's eyes.
A robot in the lobby scanned him and asked his purpose in a flat, froglike voice.