It shows a robot playing a synthesizer whilst a pair of robotic legs are dancing in time to the music.
A robotic leg is moved by an actuator, which is a type of motor for moving or controlling a mechanism or system.
But robotic legs are time-consuming and very expensive to create.
The structures have been used as inspiration for robotic legs.
It threw its arms about the sturdy robotic leg as though avid for the security of its touch.
Scientists construct the most biologically accurate robotic legs yet built, closely mimicking the motion of human leg muscles.
Toyota also displayed a rolling robot and showed film of a pair of robotic legs that its engineers designed to carry a disabled person.
However, after he dies, King's robotic leg acts up and ends up killing Rowling.
Power-ups are available during play, including a set of robotic legs, a jet pack and boosts to Steg's speed and energy bar.
Brains in jars that walk around on robotic legs.