However, the i-Cybie pioneered features found in later robotic pets such as speech recognition and autonomous recharging.
Aibo, is an iconic series of robotic pets designed and manufactured by Sony.
A robotic pet is an artificially intelligent machine made in the image of an animal commonly kept as a pet.
Aibo, Sony's $1,500 robotic pet, is another case in point.
We even have robotic lawn mowers and robotic pets.
Aquaroids are the latest in a craze for robotic pets.
The idea of robotic pets has undeniable attraction to many people.
The year's most popular category of toys - aside from scooters, which so far say nothing - is the robotic pet.
They were, in brief, nothing more than robotic pets designed to resemble familiar dog breeds.
The machine had about as much processor power as a robotic pet.