This will free computation time and resources on the robots and will make a single app compatible with many different robotic platforms.
Unlike the Segway for humans, which the rider directs by leaning forward or backward, the robotic platform has its movements controlled by a computer program.
LineScout's robotic platform allows it to cross most obstacles on the transmission lines.
The goal is to create a robotic platform with full navigational autonomy and clean, sustainable power systems.
Several robotic platforms have been built in-house and used in real-robot-experiments in order to validate algorithms related to some of the above research problems.
The robotic platform is built using a custom designed set of swarm robots called Glowworms.
A robotic platform consisting of four wheeled-mobile robots have been developed in the lab for multi-robot testing.
It developed a set of robotic platforms for research and edutainment:
The lab has over 50 robotic platforms on which students are involved in design and implementation of circuits for vehicle guidance, navigation, and collision detection.
General purpose robot application software is deployed on widely distributed robotic platforms.