Participants continued their robust exchange of views on adaptation, mitigation, measuring, reporting, and verification, and technology at the session.
India already has a robust exchange of students.
In this environment, debate has blossomed into a robust exchange of ideas, hopes and fears.
Acrimony had mounted, involving robust exchanges of lawyers' letters, and legal hearings ensued.
The World Debate convenes panels that engage in a robust exchange of views on issues that matter around the globe.
There have been some fairly robust exchanges behind the scenes about the pace and scale of the bombardment.
I wish we could turn back the clock to a time when the robust exchange of ideas was the norm in college.
We should regularly engage in a robust and transparent exchange of views on a wide range of shared interests.
This would be an appropriate time - since they are used to robust exchanges of views - to welcome the Australian delegation to this House.
As diplomats might say, a robust exchange of ideas took place.