He stayed there only one year, suggesting he was perhaps too delicate a child for the robust life at the boarding schools of the day.
However, from this year's several thousand entries, the Provokies may still have a long, robust life.
Otherwise it would be difficult, he said for these students "to have a robust social life."
But the new-model Tea Room that has sprouted in its place shows every sign of robust life.
The 164 engines were run to destruction, the Twinspark proving to be the most robust, and with the longest possible engine life.
"The furniture and the damage done to it in the course of the old robust domestic life were all still there," she observes.
Limiting the period of restrictions would benefit the public and give single-donor museums a more robust life in perpetuity.
Verna Pierce exudes robust life and warmth in the part.
The Sun, already about 4.6 billion years old, is estimated to have enough hydrogen for at least another five billion years of robust life.
At each home, they handed out the little white pills that have brought their neighbors, wasted by the disease, back to robust life.