In typically robust style Sir John outlined his vision of the future.
He also suffered from injuries because of his robust style.
He has modified the menu a bit, dropping many of the Asian accents and moving toward a simpler, more robust style.
His strong defensive game and robust running style allowed him to adapt easily to rugby league.
Inured to his robust driving style by years of familiarity, I kept my balance with little difficulty.
Brown's robust style is considered to be the factor which swung the party members to support him over Brotherton.
Also this series of matches between the two countries was marked by a very robust style.
"For him to stay in the league for a long time, he'll have to play a hard, robust style," Smith said.
Anti-football: pejorative term for a particularly robust and defensive style of play.
Dmitriev's robust style and commanding presence are not for everyone.