As he examined the rocks and shoals guarding the island, Austin noticed a dark, oval object near the harbor opening.
This night I must study the stars that I find the rightful time to turn my power against the stubborn rocks guarding your dowry.
Not by a great deal, not enough to give the old baron a true sense of flight, but more than enough to allow it to clear the sharp rocks guarding the bay's entrance.
Even the frowning mass of Diamond Head, the great rock guarding the eastern end of the Bay, hasn't escaped the promoters.
Appalled by this indifference, Jerusha ran over to an old Hawaiian woman who sat on a rock guarding the four mission dresses which the girls had discarded.
Blancanales was a hundred yards away, in a security position higher up in the rocks, guarding their escape route.
It's been like a rock guarding the frontier.
Its most remarkable architectural feature is a gatehouse excavated from solid rock guarding the bridge to the entrance (Kennedy 2001).
Historically, he had learned, Gibraltar had been reckoned as one of the Pillars of Hercules, the great rocks guarding the entrance to the Mediterranean Sea.
THE San Juan Islands, the tide-washed puzzle of rocks guarding the northern entrance to Puget Sound, are profligate with their natural grandeur.