Mouse and Kelley continued to work together on rock memorabilia until 1980.
This has been referred to as one of the "most unsanitary pieces of rock memorabilia in history".
Inside the room is a plethora of rock memorabilia.
The tampon is known as one of the "most unsanitary pieces of rock memorabilia in history".
HAS the market for rock memorabilia ever been more buoyant?
The Hard Rock is well known for its extensive collection of rock memorabilia.
Most attractions prominently featured music, bands, and rock memorabilia like its cafe counterpart.
The company also owns what it says is the world's largest collection of rock memorabilia, including items from Elvis, Bob Dylan and Madonna.
Helen Hall is a rock memorabilia and film memorabilia expert, an insurance appraiser and auctioneer.
Upstairs, over the Vinyl Cafe, Dave has a roomful of rock memorabilia.