On our last night, camping on a rock plateau, an entire village arrived to sing and dance - not for us, but with us.
A spaceship was shot down over on the other rock plateau.
It was built on the southern edge of the natural rock plateau of Castle Hill.
Tomlinson materialized at the lip of one rock plateau before Chekov had even let the whistle fall from between his teeth.
Of the former castle site on a rock plateau of 40 by 10 metres, only a few sections of the ruined walls remain.
A chill wind blew over a bare rock plateau that stretched as far as he could see in every direction.
These deposits are formed from the heat of metamorphic or igneous rock plateaus.
The pilot rolled over onto the rock plateau, came to a halt on his back, closed his eyes, and let out a long sigh.
The hilly park is set around the Ranthambhore Fort, built about 1,000 years ago atop a steep rock plateau at a height of 705 feet.
At the doorway that led up to the rock plateau, he turned and said, "Smitty.