In the streets and alleys leading up to the charred stretch where the tear gas and rocks rained over between protesters and police for five days, protesters now man barbed-wire barricades, stopping kids and passersby from coming too close and provoking the authorities.
But as the young Americans, all wearing yarmulkes, rode in an Arab's taxi through the Arab neighborhood of Wadi al Joz, just northeast of the old walled city, rocks rained against their car.
The Sabre roared over, the rocky tower flashed as if hit by lightning, the ground shook, rocks and dirt rained on Bolan.
There were a thousand concussions as the rocks rained down; the Fog Horn stopped abruptly.
The rocks and the dust rained over us, but my father covered me with his body.
Arrows and rocks still rained on upraised shields; a springald bolt tore a path through their ranks.
The earth shook and rocks rained from the walls.
Large rocks rained from the sky, crushing soldiers and citizens alike.
Dust and rock rained from the invisible ceiling.