Hundreds of people hiked the river - marveling at the natural rock sculptures and richly tinted landscapes.
It all reminded me of London Bridge, another rock sculpture several miles farther west.
The fortress of Kalinjar is famed for its war history and its glorious rock sculptures.
Most of the present knowledge of ancient Indian clothing comes from rock sculptures and paintings in cave monuments such as Ellora.
But what he enjoys most is building rock sculptures at the beach.
The temple is full of rock sculptures.
The garden has inspired at least one other Oregon resident to construct rock sculptures.
Jake looked away from the colossal rock sculptures jutting from the falls, but didn't get his hand up quite in time.
This rock sculpture was erected in memory of sailors who were killed in the storm which struck the 1979 Fastnet race.
The cover depicts the band in a rock sculpture inspired by Mount Rushmore.