There is a slight break in the natural rock terrace, on to which they open, that divides the thirty-nine high status tombs into two groups.
The park is covered mostly by deciduous dipterocarp forest and wild flowers can be found on the rock terrace.
The waterfall runs over the rock terrace among a shady environment.
The waterfall runs over a rock terrace and through the shady forest of Lamduan trees.
The castle is built on a projecting rock terrace.
At some point, it passes a wide rock terrace, and some points are a deep pool.
There is a rock terrace for recreation.
The ruins are on a rock terrace, which is about 15 feet higher than the surrounding ground to the west and south.
A stream runs over large rock terraces, through the three-tiered fall which always turns fierce during the rainy season.
Natural rock terraces stretched themselves above his head, rising in tiers until they were lost in the haze.