Exactly the same Disciple as always: some solid hard rock tunes mixed with a healthy dose of ballads.
The label became more insistent that Blade record all rock tunes, something that he felt would kill his career.
With their odd meters, the rock tunes echo mid-1970's Genesis.
Except for three rock tunes, the pieces change texture every four bars.
Unfortunately, they are both ensconced behind their bedroom doors, relaxing to the tones of rock tunes.
ME was asked to write a "sleazy" rock tune to open the show.
This has something to do with Mr. Allison's compositions, which build from the ground up, like rock tunes.
This song is a catchy, no holds barred, rock tune, sure to hit you right in the face.
More classic rock tunes would be added by 2009.
But this rock tune delivers an even more powerful message.