They slowly descend the mountain, and she leans heavily on him as she hobbles along the rock-strewn path.
The 10-minute walk, along a rock-strewn path, is a good introduction to the trees that greeted Spanish explorers in 1493.
She almost collapsed into his arms, and he was obliged to half carry her back down a rock-strewn path.
The trail narrowed to little more than a rock-strewn path.
If you go high enough in Lacoste the cobblestone lanes give way to a rock-strewn path, and ultimately there's only fragments of walls hanging against space.
Vegetation was scarce along the rock-strewn path, but there were a few stunted thorn trees.
ALL night their course lay through intricate defiles and over irregular and rock-strewn paths.
Will lagged behind as they balanced their way one after the other along the muddy, rock-strewn path edging the lake.
They imagined guards standing on the towering walls, surveying the craggy, rock-strewn paths.
During a series of pithy flashbacks, we see Heidi on her own rock-strewn path to liberation.