Glassy-eyed, he watched more flakes fill the runnel in the grass, slowly erasing all signs leading to this rocky cleft.
He had more than enough of both to pitch Jack into the rocky cleft, if he could only manage to reach him.
It was pouring down a steep slope, only to disappear into a rocky cleft below.
Chimal started into the rocky cleft just as a rolling wave of rattlesnakes and scorpions poured out of it.
By Europan standards the heat within this rocky cleft was incredible, above blood heat.
And the water is kept from draining away by that-" The plug of ice in the rocky cleft on the lake's southern side.
At its far end, the rocky cleft widened a little.
In 1999, a hoard of 43 silver and bronze items was discovered in a rocky cleft deep in the cave.
She was standing below him on a rocky cleft overlooking the loch.
Conan's scheme fails though, and the sailors find themselves trapped by Picts, who are surrounding the rocky cleft.