The seabed at this location consists of rocky gullies, exposed to the full force of Atlantic surf.
The entrance to the fort was through a rocky gully.
His horse had balked at jumping a wadi, a very nasty little gully, rocky and deep, its edges crumbling.
Coming out of a rocky gully to his left flank, already swinging round in a wide arc as if to cut off his retreat-his retreat!
In desert areas it grows in shaded rocky gullies.
Still, the dark, rocky gullies tucked between the beige and dusty green folds of the land offered some slight hope for confusing his trail.
The track steepened and started to twist as it followed a rocky gully downward.
He strolled on across the rocky gully and entered the cave.
In between was a rocky gully that swept upwards steeply in front of the green.
The path deteriorated into a rocky gully winding up between near-vertical walls of rock.