Then she realized that thick, black shape was shifting, its base dropping as more of the rocky lip crumbled away beneath it.
How long she remained in the pool she did not know, but gradually the fantasies and the phantoms faded, and then she felt H'ani's hands leading her to the rocky lip.
Though the rocky lip was sharp, nowhere did the ground slope down toward the precipice.
If Jinian were disappointed, so was I. We traveled back through the Grole Hills, leagues of twisty road over which little black tunnel mouths pursed rocky lips, with gravel everywhere.
Daniel found himself knocked flat on the rocky lip of the ravine.
Hundreds, thousands of Bajoran children clung to the slick rocky lip, sobbing and screaming for help.
Richard, charged with need and with anger, lowered his arms, pointing his fists off toward the edge of the lake, where it flowed at last over the rocky lip and on down into the Nareef Valley.
Catti-brie crept silently to the edge of the rocky lip, peering over.
Before she could further second-guess herself, Catti-brie slipped out from behind the rocky lip and started slowly and quietly down the nearest trail that would get her to the plateau and the encampment.
It hit the car like a bulldozer, forcing it toward the rocky lip of the road.