Just before the roaring plummet, traversing the river from bank to bank, lay a broad expanse of rocky shallows that appeared nowhere more than ankle deep.
An investigation into the accident revealed that basic navigation errors combined with equipment failures were to blame for the submarine running into the rocky shallows.
A flotilla of small boats arrived off the coast from South Wales, a few braving the rocky shallows to land.
Skillfully negotiating rocky shallows in our outboard-driven canoe, Gauthier deposited Ruel, who said he preferred to wade and cast, on the rocky shore near the foot of a big pool.
This area, near what is now called Pointe-aux-Anglais, includes a number of small islands, including Île-aux-Oeufs (Egg Island), and numerous rocky shallows.
Because of the shallow slope on the shelf, the intertidal area can be quite extended, leading to rocky and muddy shallows at low tide.
There are quiet coves, rocky shallows and a lily pond favored by dragonflies.
Sudden bends, rocky shallows, rocks and stilts driven in the bed of the river, or felled trees require attention, reflex, and experience in dealing with such obstacles.
You swim in the rocky shallows, not in the deep pool, because of the crocodiles.
They found it, a wide rocky shallows with natural stepping stones...then wasted two days on the far side before crossing back.