The fell has many rocky tops and a number of sizeable tarns.
A "stickle" is a hill with a prominent rocky top.
Once above the willows, the trail climbs through grass and boulders and wildflowers almost directly up toward the mountain's rocky top.
This rocky top is a part of High Raise, but is considered by many writers as a separate fell because of its appearance.
The rocky top of Great Round How marks the completion of the change.
A good path follows the crest and continues across peaty ground toward the rocky top of Hart Crag.
The terrain is characterised by rolling, forested hills, the tallest of which have bare, rocky tops.
One very strong impression is of hunting little lizards on the rocky top of an open knoll.
It also needed to be shot in other precarious conditions - like the dangerous, rocky top of the Jog Falls.
They got over the rocky top and down into forest again by the time it was full dark.