Land was provided east of town by Harry Palmer for $1.00 a year and a rodeo arena was built.
There are two different types of specialised crushes used in rodeo arenas.
The rodeo arena, race track, stables, and campgrounds are all part of this complex.
A water truck is wetting down the dirt in the rodeo arena.
The early stages of the rodeo arena began thanks in large part to boosters donating around $60,000.
In addition to the athletic competition, the broadcast include segments outside of the rodeo arena.
Soon he built a rodeo arena and held rodeos every Sunday.
Then there was a rodeo arena set back from the street with posters still in place from a big event a month ago.
In 1986 structural problems with the rodeo arena caused the facility to close.
And yet there is another side to life in the rodeo arena.