Natalia Guijarro Brasseur was originally hired to perform the role of the Queen in scenes requiring specific physical skills.
Although in the last three millennia, the role of the Queen has been reduced from the reproductive phase, with other fertile females taking over responsibility for the egg-laying.
Marco discovers the role of the Queen of Diamonds card in hypnotizing Raymond into committing these atrocities.
Since a substitute had already been found, and the role of the Queen (a Damrau specialty) remained open, it went to her.
Robbins, "The Cage" (1951; created the role of the Queen)
There were no serious attempts to alter the constitutional role of the Queen until the 1986 Australia Act.
The "role" of the Queen in such a society is one more of a "monitor" to keep the elected officials from getting out of hand.
As in England, the role of The Queen in judicial matters has become symbolic.
In 1970 she created the role of the Queen in the world premiere of Menotti's stage play, The Leper.
Canada's constitution is based on the Westminster parliamentary model, wherein the role of the Queen is both legal and practical, but not political.