Mr. Kuroda is regarded as one of Asia's most influential currency experts from his previous role overseeing Japan's currency policy.
Currently Ranieri maintains an active role overseeing both the day to day and long term operations of the firm.
The article did however note that he was "polite, affable and willing to take on thankless tasks, such as his current role overseeing the construction of a visitors center on Capitol Hill".
That includes not just intelligence and law enforcement officials, but also members of Congress who have important roles overseeing our spy agencies.
Deubel was an inspector at Dachau concentration camp in 1934 when commandant Theodor Eicke was promoted to a role overseeing all concentration camps.
Daniels might argue that his role overseeing the integration of HBOS gives investors their best chance of seeing some genuine value from the merger.
Mr. Jenkins, who had been responsible for research, sales and trading, will take over Mr. Mayer's former role overseeing general administration, information services, operations, finance, investments and asset management activities.
The government maintains a prominent role overseeing officially recognized religions.
Both played central roles overseeing the White House in President Reagan's first term and clashed with conservatives on budgetary and other issues, according to associates of Mr. Bush.
Mr. Spitzer, in his role overseeing charities, should call for public hearings in Albany.