Her grandfather Koro believes that this is a role reserved for males only.
By the last centuries of the Empire the number of roles reserved for eunuchs had reduced, and their use may have been all but over.
Others see the industry as taking on the roles traditionally reserved for the church.
The European Union has become increasingly powerful, taking on roles traditionally reserved for the nation-state.
Attorneys did not generally actually appear as advocates in the higher courts, a role reserved (as it still usually is) for barristers.
And he criticized government programs that "have tried to assume roles once reserved for families and schools and churches."
He was cast in roles usually reserved for deeper, darker voices because his technique was so relaxed, well-projected, and free.
Rinty was named as a co-respondent in the divorce, a role usually reserved for mistresses.
Helen Chávez held the more 'traditional' role usually reserved for women.
The only generic role reserved to single profession is healer, as only Medic can heal another character.