She said a memorial would make a difference, just by providing recognition for the role women played in the war.
Nothing about the Fifties was more paradoxical than the role women played in it.
To young photographers, she seemed the embodiment of the medium's rich history, and living proof of the important role women have played in it.
And no subject reflects the gulf more than the perceptions of the role women play in the lives of their promise-keeping men.
Commenting on the role women played in social active issues:
Seen in this light, Bedelia just carries to extremes the role women have been ascribed: that of wife and mother.
Frustrated by the insignificant role women played during the War, she wrote the book specifically with a female audience in mind.
However, new research has changed ideological beliefs about the role women assumed in producing authentic accounts of war.
The pertinent questions are what role women should play and how they should fit in.
But perhaps the most impressive role women are playing in the Dole campaign is in fund-raising.