Art scholar John Baur described it as "a form of realism modified to express a romantic attitude or meaning".
I think it is a romantic and immature attitude.
This is manifested by Ariza's excessively romantic attitude toward life, and his gullibility in trying to retrieve the sunken treasure of a shipwreck.
The two photographers shared romantic attitudes toward their subjects, and both tried to preserve images of cultures they feared were on the brink of extinction.
Instead of the romantic back-to-the-land attitude prevalent in the 1970's, "people now understand they have to make it as a business," Ms. Gillan said.
The Sutherlands represent an exclusively romantic attitude toward the world.
Pygmalion and Galatea, a satire of sentimental, romantic attitudes toward myth, was produced in 1871.
And his romantic attitude toward the truth was merely a brilliant overplus of imagination without which life would be insufferably dull.
Entertainment Weekly described the first volume as "a veritable catalog of the era's romantic attitudes".
I think that by the time you reach your early 30's, you have a less romantic attitude and a more cynical way of looking at these things.