The text is a romantic declaration of love.
The graffiti were mostly featuring religious, advertisements or romantic declarations, even though a couple of urban artists were already active.
Alanna Nash of Entertainment Weekly said that the song was "the frankest treatment of lust on country radio", "a colossal embarrassment" and "a memorable romantic declaration."
With that romantic declaration, Mary Margaret and David's thwarted romance is officially back on.
She's intelligent, but her head is full of false cheer and glib sarcasms and lame romantic declarations, some of which she picks up from girls she overhear in supermarkets.
He moved the original melodies around the beat and gently mocked romantic declarations with exaggerated vibrato or an extra edge in his sound.
It started out with a romantic public declaration of love from his wife Tori .
It started out with a romantic public declaration of love from his wife Tori Spelling, who posted "A Love Letter to My Soul Mate" on her .
Nor do I expect to give up on my husband of a decade - whose most recent romantic declaration was "I did think about buying you some flowers" - because he's not quite George Clooney.
She has no problem suddenly bouncing a song up to the next octave, or shifting from a sweet romantic declaration to its caustic aftermath.