He came with a romantic yet genuine fascination with the popular conceptions of the state: the outdoor living and the opportunity for self-transformation.
The romantic fascination was an emotionless memory.
Suicide and depression may also, however, be among the few remaining dangers that still bear a sense of romantic fascination.
The second season introduces his romantic fascination with poultry.
"Maybe only in New York City can you actually find people who have a romantic fascination with people who hate their country," he reflects.
"It's like having a romantic fascination with someone who hates your family."
The monumental ruins left behind by those past societies hold a romantic fascination for all of us.
Anyone smitten with the written word, and in particular with 20th-century literature, has no doubt harbored a romantic fascination with Paris between the world wars.
But don't war games encourage a romantic fascination with the real thing?
Has a romantic fascination with Rebel, who views him as "not her first choice.