She's not in the cast simply to be a romantic foil or eye candy.
The rest of the film does not elaborate on Rosie's part and latter scenes suggest that she is simply a romantic foil for Marco.
Mr. Gray performs well as an earnest romantic foil.
For his part, Adams has never introduced a romantic foil for O'Brien.
For Mamet, however, the core of the piece is Winslow's daughter, a snootily progressive ingénue and a suitable romantic foil for the conservative Morton.
Kelly also serves as a romantic foil for Bru, who consistently fails miserably in his pursuit of her.
Miss Woods gave real pleasure; her romantic foil, Paul Austin Kelly, less so.
"Honestly, I wasn't looking at her as a romantic foil," the bridegroom said about their initial encounter.
Crude and realistic, he is the romantic Piskaryov's foil.
Robin Leslie Brown is haughty in her fury and provides a fine romantic foil.