Farming these days is big business and the French farmers are fighting over cash, not some romantic rustic idyll.
The short romantic idyll was over.
Until then, the movie has pretended to be a romantic idyll.
Animal and shepherd wander the grassy knoll without destination or care, a romantic idyll of innocence and freedom.
Ireland's cruel political realities not only scupper her romantic idyll but threaten to sink her entire life.
Following the briefest of romantic idylls, he discovers he has metastatic prostate cancer and she dies in a car crash.
The story, which Sheila narrates, begins as a soft-focus romantic idyll.
No romantic idyll with your beloved for you.
The couple's first day together develops into a romantic idyll that lifts Tobe (her name is short for October) out of her perpetual sulk.
Describing his works, he said, " 'Opus 1' was a very romantic idyll.