The romantic misadventures of a woman soap opera writer.
He describes romantic misadventures, including his passion for a woman whose golden curls he didn't know were artificial until she removed them in the bedroom.
The novel concerns her attempts to be a matchmaker among her acquaintances and her own romantic misadventures.
In recent years, these irreverent films of romantic misadventure and marital mayhem have become a favorite subject of scholarly analysis.
The romantic misadventures of a woman soap opera writer in Hollywood, New York and the Hamptons.
While teenager Andy's romantic misadventures were pivotal in most of the films, they were always "wholesome" affairs.
Such wealth has not protected him from trouble, a dazzling array of lawsuits and romantic misadventures that have landed in the gossip columns.
The book details Klausner's many romantic and sexual misadventures throughout her 20s.
Each revelation about his romantic misadventures has generated a chorus of gleefully clucking news coverage.
As he watches, he contemplates his own romantic misadventures.