In New York, such diverse dining rooms as the plush Maxim's, the romantic 18-seat nook called La Metairie in the West Village and the sprawling Oyster Bar and Restaurant at the Grand Central Terminal serve fundamentally similar dishes.
Downtown Greenwich Village is filled with romantic little nooks in the way of restaurants and bars.
A bustling yet romantic little nook, this spot has thoroughly delicious Italian creations at exceptionally reasonable prices - plus an excellent wine list and a dedicated sommelier who will pour you tastes before you decide (a wonderful oddity in such an affordable and casual dining room).
And yet there are such unexplored romantic nooks in the unlikeliest men, that even old tinderous and touchwoody P. J. T. Possibly Jabbered Thus, at some odd times, in or about seventeen-forty-seven.
There are many other attractions for visitors: romantic nooks, peaceful places and beautiful lookouts.
The rooms were nothing fancy, but the gardens were spectacular, with a kaleidoscope of bougainvillea and lots of romantic nooks and crannies.
Sit in the quirky iron furniture or upstairs in the romantic nook to enjoy superb Indian and Chinese dishes, or even a pizza.
This part of land is full of architectural jewels, romantic nooks, unique nature reserves, beautiful place for many activities especially during tourist season.
In the living room and master bedroom, which have polished ceiling beams of peeled pine, Durant designed wraparound built-in banquettes that created romantic nooks of burnished and scented wood.
It's one of those hushed, clubby places, all gleaming oak, with cushioned romantic nooks, soft lighting and handsome oil paintings.